How To Register your Party:
1. Current students can register their Friday or Saturday parties.
2. You will need to provide your address, the name of the host, name of an alternate host, phone numbers for both host and alternate, and current state IDs to confirm that both party hosts are 18+.
3. We will provide you with information about the Party Registration program, along with ways to have a successful party.
4. You will need to sign a form acknowledging that you received all the information and that the information you provided is correct.
What Scenarios Could Happen During a Party?
1. If a noise complaint is received by Police Dispatch, the party host could receive a call informing them about the complaint.
2. If the host does not answer the call they will leave a message and call the second number.
If the second number is not answered they will leave another message.
3. From the time of the first phone call, the party host will have 20 minutes to break up their party.
4. If a second noise complaint is received after the 20 minute grace period, dispatch will send an officer to the residence to deal with the noise.
5. If there are any other problems besides noise violations, then the 20 minute warning does not apply.
Be Prepared...for fun, for safety, for the police!
Colorado Mesa University and the City of Grand Junction have teamed up to launch an innovative program to address noise complaints. Party Registration offers CMU students who live off campus the ability to register their party at Student Life and possibly avoid fines.
Benefits of the Program
Saves party host money (fines), a criminal record, and possible disciplinary actions by CMU.
Helps neighbors by taking care of noise and nuisance complaints quickly and efficiently.
Saves the city resources by taking action quickly, and easily.
Educates students about partying safely and responsibly; these students may avoid a noise ticket simply because they became a more “informed” party host by stopping in at Student Life.
Common Party Violations
Municipal Codes
Unreasonable Noise |
Disturbing the Peace |
No person shall make, continue, or cause to be made any unreasonable noise. No person shall knowingly allow such noise upon any premises or in any vehicle owned, possessed, or under the control of that person. |
No person shall disturb or aid in disturbing the peace of others by violent, tumultuous, offensive, disorderly or obstreperous conduct and no person shall permit such conduct on any property under that person's control. |
Littering |
Bodily Waste |
No person shall leave any loose paper, rags, rubbish, waste material, refuse, garbage, trash, or other debris upon a public or private place. |
No person shall deposit or allowed to be deposited any human excrement, vomit, spittle, or other bodily waste unless it is deposited in a receptacle intended for such purpose. |
State Statutes
- Providing Alcohol to a Minor
It is unlawful to sell, serve, give away, dispose of, exchange, deliver, or permit the sale of alcohol to any person under 21. - Selling Alcohol
It is unlawful to make, sell, or offer for sale any alcohol unless licensed to do so. (This includes selling cups for a keg)
- Providing Marijuana to Minors
Do not provide marijuana to minors. If you are 21, Colorado law permits you to use recreational marijuana within a private residence. - It is NOT legal to:
- Consume marijuana in public.
- Sell or transfer marijuana to persons under the age of 21.
- Drive under the influence of marijuana.
The use and possession of marijuana is prohibited on all CMU property, regardless of your age.
9.04.120 Keeping disorderly house.
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly keep any disorderly house, which term is defined as any structure and/or adjoining property or both which is used, owned, kept or controlled by such person within this City upon or within which any drinking of alcohol by a person under the age of 21, quarreling, fighting or riotous or disorderly conduct is permitted, allowed, occasioned, encouraged or suffered.
Other Common Violations
- Disorderly Conduct
It is unlawful for any person to knowingly or recklessly: - Make a coarse and obviously offensive utterance, gesture or display in a public place.
- Abuse or threaten a person in a public place.
- Fight with another in a public place.
- Display a deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm.
- Trespass
No person shall, without legal privilege, enter a vehicle or premises of another, or place restricted to use by gender (restrooms, locker rooms, etc). - Interference with Public Officers
No person shall use or threaten to use physical interference or obstacle to knowingly obstruct, impair, or hinder any police officer, fire fighter, city employee, or other public official. - No person shall, after having been ordered to move on by a police officer, remain in the officer's presence, disrupt, obstruct, hinder, or impair the officer's enforcement of the law.
- Carrying or Drinking Alcohol in Public
No person shall carry, have open, or consume any alcohol in any vehicle, public place, school or university. - False Reporting to Authorities
It is unlawful to knowingly provide false identifying information such as name, date of birth, address, social security number, driver's license number, or Colorado I.D. number to police.
A riot is a public disturbance involving 3 or more people whose conduct creates a danger of damage or injury to people or property or substantially obstructs the performance of any government function.
Inciting a Riot |
Fine $5,000 / 18 months jail (3 years / $100,000 for injury or damage) |
No person shall incite or urge a group of 5 or more people to engage in a riot. |
Arming a Rioter |
Fine $500,000 / 6 years jail |
No person shall supply a deadly weapon or destructive device for use in a riot. No person shall teach another to prepare or use the above with the intent that item is to be used in a riot. |
Engaging in a Riot |
Fine $1,000 / 12 months jail (6 years / $500,000 for injury or damage) |
No person shall engage in a riot. |
** Anyone convicted of engaging in a riot will not be allowed to attend any state colleges or universities for a period of AT LEAST 1 year.
Contact Information
For more information regarding the Party Smart program, please contact Student Life at or 970.248.1111